Air conditioning

Car air conditioning repairs in Leeds

Air conditioning repairs

Car air conditioning re-gases and repairs must be carried out by trained technicians by law. At Motor Marque we have the latest car air conditioning equipment and qualified staff. Whether it is a re-gas or a car air conditioning repair that is required, we will keep you cool.

We offer an entry level air conditioning re-gas or an air conditioning service in which we check the pollen filter, re-gas the air conditioning system, treat with an anti-bacterial agent and check the pipes and belt.

The average car air conditioning system looses at least 100 grams per year naturally so a re-gas and service should be carried out every two years to keep the system in check.

To book you car in for a serviceĀ call 0113 224 20 11 orĀ book your car in online.

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Motor Marque Ltd.

Clayton Wood Close,Clayton
Wood Industrial Estate,
West Park, Leeds LS16 6QE

Tel: 0113 224 2011

Motor Trader Finanlist 2015


We are registered members of the Good Garage Scheme which assures customers that we perform services to a strict standard and will always have your best interests at heart.

Click here to view our profile.

We are also registered members of the West Yorkshire Trading Standards Motor Trade Partnership.

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As seen on...

Motor Marque MD, Mark Frankland regularly appears as an expert commentator on driving and car maintenance programmes on both the BBC and Channel 4.

As seen on channel 4 and the BBC.